Does A New Garage Door Increase Home Value? Upgrading The Garage Door Is A Wise Decision!

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Your home is likely one of your most valuable possessions, and you want to do everything you can to increase its value. 

But it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to upgrades and renovations. 

A new garage door might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it’s worth considering. 

Not only does a new garage door enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home, but it can also significantly impact the overall value of your property. 

So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at whether a new garage door can increase home value and how it can benefit you as a homeowner.

A new garage door is a worthwhile investment for any homeowner looking to increase the value of their property. 

According to various reports, including Remodeling Magazine’s Cost vs. Value Report, replacing your garage door has a high return on investment (ROI) of up to 97.5%. 

Garage door replacement also significantly impacts your home’s curb appeal, attracting potential buyers who are willing to pay a higher price.

Insulated garage doors, for example, can even save you money on heating and cooling costs while reducing noise from outside. 

Selecting a garage door that complements your home’s architectural style can also give it a fresh new look, while more advanced security features add an extra layer of protection. 

Ultimately, a new garage door is a smart investment that can improve your quality of life and the value of your home.

Does New Garage Door Installation Increase The Home Value

Does New Garage Door Installation Increase The Home Value
Does New Garage Door Installation Increase The Home Value

According to factual data, installing a new garage door can increase the value of a home. 

Most home improvement projects, including a new garage door, can increase the home’s value by at least a little. 

In fact, replacing a garage door can give homeowners a 93.8% return on investment. 

The garage door is the main focal point of a home’s exterior, and an outdated or damaged door can make the entire home look worn down and decrease its overall value

Homeowners should also consider the benefits of a new garage door, including energy efficiency, increased security features, and less required maintenance. 

You can also achieve a more aesthetically pleasing and updated curb appeal by choosing a garage door that complements your home’s style. 

Overall, a new garage door installation can be a wise investment for homeowners looking to increase the value and functionality of their homes.

How Much Value Will The New Garage Door Add To Your Home

How Much Value Will The New Garage Door Add To Your Home
How Much Value Will The New Garage Door Add To Your Home

Replacing an old or outdated garage door can add value to your home. 

Remodeling Magazine says a new garage door can yield an estimated 97.5% ROI. 

If you spend around $3611 on an upscale garage door replacement, you can expect to recoup around $3520 of that investment when you sell your home. 

Insulated doors also offer energy efficiency benefits, reducing heating and cooling costs and protecting sensitive items stored in the garage. 

When choosing a new garage door, it’s important to pick a design that complements your home’s style. 

High-quality, higher-priced doors can add more value than cheaper options. 

Upgrading your garage door can improve your home’s resale value while enjoying increased functionality and aesthetics.

How Does The New Garage Door Add Value To Your Home

How Does The New Garage Door Add Value To Your Home
How Does The New Garage Door Add Value To Your Home

According to findings from Remodeling Magazine, investing in a garage door replacement not only improves the curb appeal but also generates a 97.5% return on investment (ROI). 

The best way to invest your money is by picking a design that best suits your home’s style. 

Garage doors have evolved from merely functional to fashionable, adding design and aesthetic appeal. 

Traditional water heaters take up your valuable garage space. Therefore, you can install a tankless heater and a new garage door to increase the home value and utilize space.

Following are some ways in which the new garage door will add value to your home:

Improves Security And Safety

Improves Security And Safety
Improves Security And Safety

A new garage door not only enhances the appearance of your home but also increases its security and safety. 

A modern automatic garage door with better safety features reduces the risk of injuries or accidents. 

A door with an auto-reverse feature detects something in the way while closing and opens it immediately, ensuring no one is harmed. 

The sturdy and durable construction of new garage doors, with better locks, provides better protection against break-ins and theft. 

An old door with worn-out tracks and rollers can not function correctly, risking your belongings. 

In contrast, a new garage door closes properly and ensures safety.

Overall, upgrading to a new garage door is a wise investment, offering protection and safety for you and your family.

Increase Energy Efficiency

Replacing your garage door can not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but can also increase energy efficiency. 

By investing in an insulated garage door with weatherstripping, homeowners can keep outside air from seeping inside, maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the garage and the rest of the house. 

The R-value of the insulation material determines how effective it is at resisting conductive heat flow, and the higher the R-value, the better the insulation. 

Good insulation also reduces noise from outside from seeping in. 

Additionally, homeowners can increase energy efficiency by opting for garage door models designed to be energy efficient. 

By incorporating these features, homeowners can lower their monthly energy bills and attract potential buyers who prioritize energy efficiency. 

Low Maintenance And Repair Cost

Low Maintenance And Repair Cost
Low Maintenance And Repair Cost

Low maintenance and repair costs are crucial for homeowners to consider when improving their property value. 

New garage doors, for instance, require less maintenance, saving homeowners money and time. 

Upgrading with a new garage door is a wise investment because it increases your home’s functionality and value. 

Enhances Curb Appeal

Enhances Curb Appeal
Enhances Curb Appeal

Installing a new garage door not only improves the functionality of your garage but also enhances your home’s curb appeal. 

A recent study has shown that curb appeal can increase a home’s sale price by up to 7%. 

An old or worn-out garage door can make a home look outdated and uninviting. 

By choosing a garage door that complements the architectural style of your home, you can create a cohesive and attractive look. 

Additionally, a new garage door can be personalized with unique features like a carriage-style door to make your home stand out from the rest. 

Accommodates The House Style

Accommodates The House Style
Accommodates The House Style

When buying a new garage door, choosing one that accommodates your home’s style is important. 

A garage door can significantly impact your home’s overall look and curb appeal. 

Trends show that buyers are looking for aesthetically appealing garage doors similar to those seen in new housing developments and advertisements. 

Investing in a trendy garage door can increase your home’s resale value and make it more appealing to potential buyers. 

To ensure a perfect fit, homeowners can hire a design professional or use online tools allowing them to upload a photo of their home and customize any style of garage doors. 

A new garage door with the right style can make your home stand out in the neighborhood and significantly add value.

How To Select The Best Garage Door For Your Home (Factors You Need to Consider)

When selecting a garage door for your home, there are several factors you need to consider to ensure you make the best choice. 

1. The material of the garage door can impact its durability and maintenance needs. Common materials include steel, wood, aluminum, and fiberglass. 

2. You should also consider the insulation levels of the door, which can impact energy efficiency and noise reduction. 

3. Choose a design that complements your home’s style, whether it’s traditional or contemporary. 

4. The finish and color of the door should also match your home’s exterior and add to your home’s curb appeal. 

5. Finally, select a reputable manufacturer and professional installer to ensure your garage door is installed correctly and operates smoothly. 

Considering these factors, you can select the best garage door for your home. 

Why You Consult A Professional Before Purchasing The Garage Door

Why You Consult A Professional Before Purchasing The Garage Door
Why You Consult A Professional Before Purchasing The Garage Door

Before purchasing a new garage door, it is always recommended to consult a professional to ensure you are making the right decision. 

A professional can guide you through the options available that best suit your home’s style and needs. 

They can also advise you on the right type of material and insulation to use, which can significantly increase your home’s energy efficiency and reduce your energy bills. 

Furthermore, a professional installation ensures that your new garage door is properly fitted, increasing its lifespan and reducing the need for repairs in the long run. 

If you plan to purchase new construction, the builder will install a new garage door. However, the home builders do not include a garage door opener.

Consulting a professional ensures that you are making a wise investment in your home’s value and curb appeal while avoiding costly mistakes that can occur with an incorrect DIY installation. 

Bottom Line 

According to various studies, a new garage door can definitely increase the value of your home. 

In fact, replacing an old or outdated garage door with a newer, more stylish one can give you a whopping 93.8% ROI. 

An insulated garage door can add even more value, as it not only controls the temperature within your garage but also reduces the noise coming in from outside. 

When choosing a new garage door, it’s important to consider the style that best complements your home’s exterior. 

Trendy garage doors can significantly improve your overall curb appeal, which attracts potential buyers. 

Additionally, garage doors with better security features and less maintenance may help reduce the risk of a costly break-in, saving you both time and money in the long run. 

Overall, investing in a new garage door can definitely be a worthwhile upgrade for your home.


Does My New Garage Door Increase The Resale Value Of My House?

A new garage door can indeed increase the resale value of a house. 

A report from Remodeling Magazine revealed that investing in a new garage door yields a 93.8% return on investment (ROI). 

However, it’s important to consider the door’s current condition before deciding to upgrade. 

If the door is newer and fits the house’s style, it may not be necessary to replace it. 

Are New Garage Doors Worth Investment?

Investing in a new garage door is definitely worth the investment. 

It not only enhances the curb appeal and improves the overall look of the house, but it also increases the home value. 

They offer better security features and require less maintenance over time. 

Therefore, investing in a new garage door is a smart move and provides a range of benefits for homeowners.

How Durable Is A Garage Door?

Garage doors’ durability largely depends on the quality of materials used and maintenance. 

A well-constructed garage door made of steel or aluminum, with proper insulation, can last for over 20 years. 

Routine maintenance such as lubrication, cleaning, and regular checks for damage can extend a garage door’s life. 

It’s important to note that extreme weather conditions like strong winds and heavy rain can cause damage, so it’s important to ensure a garage door is well-maintained and fitted with necessary reinforcements.

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About Charlie D Paige

Charlie is a massive DIY fan, with dozens of DIY projects under his belt - ranging from tiling to electrics, and concrete pads to walls. Charlie loves tinkering, seeing how things works, the outdoors and playing with power tools... so is it any wonder that he's completed so many DIY jobs over the years?

Charlie loves spreading his hard-won DIY experience with the world via this blog.